In addition to an Emmy, Franklin Getchell has received more than thirty other honors,  including seven Emmy nominations, a Peabody, a Christopher, and the Japan Prize.

He is a senior executive with experience across a wide range of business disciplines. 

To date, he has had four distinct careers. For ten years he was an actor, on stage and television, including commercials, plus print and radio advertising. Classically trained, in New York and the UK, including at the Royal Shakespeare Company, he toured the country, did musical theatre, and eventually went to Hollywood, doing episodic police dramas. 

He is a writer. Of advertising copy, for two years, of television documentaries and drama, for twelve years, of newspaper and magazine articles and books, for thirty years, including co-authoring Please Do Not Touch (Rizzoli, 2018). 

He is a producer, director and television programmer, for twenty five years. In the US, UK, France, Malaysia and Japan. He was responsible for over 800 hours of television, and in his tv career, had programming on PBS, NBC, CBS, ABC and HBO in the US, and on four cable satellite channels in the UK (one of which he created), as well as Discovery Channel Europe. For six years, he was in charge of Sesame Street. 

He is a retail executive, for fifteen years as President of Moss. 

And, exploiting the experience and expertise gained from all that came before, he is a high level Consultant, and Advisor, over a broad range of topics and fields. 

His professional expertise extends to marketing and branding, business development and corporate management. His own company, Getchell Intellectual, had clients in both the public and private sectors, and while in the UK, he had a regular column in Broadcast, the industry weekly newspaper. He was a frequent speaker at media conferences, festivals and trade shows.

He is a graduate of Harvard, and attended Columbia and the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts.